Sports Afield Scope Stand-off or Barrel Rest



Barrel Rests and Scope Stand-offs for Sports Afield Safes

Canadian customers:  These are reported by other customers to fit “Canadian shield” brand cabinets (see the reviews for the details).  We will ship these to Canada per our Terms of Use

US Customers report that these also fit “REDFIELD” cabinets.

Happy to help you organize and use your Sports Afield safe to its utmost.   These also work well when making gun rooms.
We offer Scope Stand-offs in three different lengths so that you can optimize the arrangement of your raised sight/scoped firearms.    Our standard size Scope Stand-off mimics the original snap in style that comes with Sports Afield gun safes (as far as distance from the barrel rest).   Then our longer stand off’s extend either an extra 1/2 inch (12.7mm) or full inch.

Instead of cheap plastic nibs that break and fail: Our scope stand-off’s affix to the barrel rest via screws, nuts, and special nut holders that distribute the stress of tightening a screw to plastic. further.

Got an Over-Under?  We have a stand off for that too!  Same size as the scope stand off that came with the cabinet, I just carved out the shape of an Over-Under barrel in it.  See pics for the details.

No nuts, screws, or fasteners are provided with the barrel rests.  Our barrel rests mimic the original so closely you’d be hard pressed to find a difference besides that they are not over molded with soft rubber.

Four sizes of Scope Stand-Off available:
~Standard (mimics the stand off that came with the safe)
~1/2″ longer (12.7mm longer) than the standard
~1″ longer (25.4mm longer) than the standard
~1.5″ longer (38.1mm longer) than the standardYou can read more about installing these by clicking here to down load the PDF installation instructions that will come with each order.

Each nut is placed in a Nut Holder and the nut holder accounts for the taper of the barrel rest while distributing the force of the tightened screw over a larger area. We provide the requisite screws, nuts, and nut holders with each Scope Stand-off purchased.

Our Scope Stand-off’s for the Sports Afield safe require the barrel rests’ holes to be drilled through so that screws can hold the Scope Stand-off to the rest.
Sports Afield Safe barrel rest with 3 different lengths of Scope Stand-off
Original Barrel Rest from Sports Afield safe with the three available depths of Scope Stand-Off
Underside of 3 different length stand offs showing Nut Holders securing them
Badger Ridge's Scope Stand-offs for Sports Afield safe shown in use
Badger Ridge’s Scope Stand-offs for Sports Afield safe shown in use
Sports Afield Barrell rest dimensions. Not shown: its 2″ tall.
Sports Afield Barrel Rest with specific OVER-UNDER HOLDER
Barrel Rest 3U for Sports Afield with OVER UNDER HOLDER© holding an Over-Under shot gun (shotgun is not for sale).
The OVER-UNDER HOLDER© has the same foot print as our standard size scope stand off.


We print in PETG (strong and food safe plastic).  FYI water bottles are made out of PET.  (PETG is PET that is modified to work in a 3D printer).    It can take hot rides in cars, and such, but I wouldn’t lean a hot barrel nor hot suppressor against it.

​PLEASE REMEMBER:  It will take at least one business day per item to print.   We’ll ship your entire order when it is complete.

Typically these are made in the a lighter grey than you see in most the pictures, and closer to the color in the computer animations (and exactly what you see in the picture of the OVER-UNDER HOLDER©.   But we may need to print in another color…     I’d bet your items won’t mind what color they lean against.

Additional information

Select Item

Standard Scope Stand-Off, 1/2in longer Scope Stand-Off, 1 in longer Scope Stand-Off, 1.5 in longer Scope Stand-Off, Over-Under Holder, Barrel Rest 3U


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