My favorite shotgun (if I don't have to carry it while walking all day) is my Remington VersaMax. You may not know this: the VersaMax is a "sporterized", improved, clone…
Originally posted at our old website on 4/23/2015 THE REMINGTON 700ML/MLS, A JEWEL IN THE ROUGH; Can you make it shine? (PART 2) 4/23/2015 Excerpted from Remington 700ML Owner's Manual…
Excerpted from Remington 700 Manual Can you make it shine? YES! BUT FIRST YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM AND YOUR OPTIONS In 2002 I returned from a 3 year… is now Due to webservice providers and their associated credit card processors adopting woke business attitudes and practices, we were forced to relocate our eCommerce website to this…