Trumpet Slide Stop


Similar to a Getzen trumpet 3rd valve slide stop, 3D printed plastic


Third Valve Trumpet Slide Stop – 3D printed

These are clones of what was made for Getzen trumpets.    Also similar to B2511 Bach 3rd Slide Stop.

To make a purchase, select the quantity, & then “add to your cart.”   Keep adding until you have everything you need in your cart and then check out.   It will take approximately one business day per item to print it.   We’ll ship your entire order when it is complete.

We print in light grey PETG (strong and food safe plastic).  FYI water bottles are made out of PET.  (PETG is PET that is modified to work in a 3D printer).    It can take hot rides in cars, and such, but I wouldn’t subject it to a flame or something extremely hot.


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