
RH Door Organizers for STACK-ON cabinet


Right Handed Door Organizers for STACK-ON gun cabinet


3D printed organizers for STACK-ON gun cabinets with RIGHT HANDED DOORS

Have a STACK ON Gun Cabinet with two doors?  Want to use the Right Handed door for extra storage?   We can help!   If your the gap between the folded metal jam and the Hat track reinforcement/stiffener is close to (to just a little under or over) 8.45″ our organizers can fit and work wonders!  Please see the illustration below for the doors these were designed to fit (please read on and pay attention!)
Right Hand STACK-ON gun cabinet door shown above is typically only found on two door gun cabinets.
One way to understand door swing nomenclature (on out swing doors) is to imagine standing outside of the room/box/cabinet that the doors enclose, then to place one hand on the hinge, and the other on the lock set. The door is named for the hand that rests on the lock set.  Another way is to imagine your spine pressed up against the jamb where the hinge is mounted. One arm would be able to reach into the cabinet, the other would have its shoulder on the hinge and be able to swing the door… the one that swings the door is what the door is named for.  Or… you can just look at the pictures, look at your cabinets and write down what hand doors you have.


STACK-ON Cabinet Shelf Tray Organizer
Right hand door of a two door STACK-ON cabinet above, with door trays and a 12GA shell holder (Also two of our Scope Standoffs that are available in another listing)

These items are designed to fit the standard RIGHT HANDED STACK-ON door with about 8.5″ between the stiffener inside the door and the hinge jamb.   Right Hand Doors in STACK-ON cabinets are less common (typically only found on double door cabinets).  So we don’t offer as many items for RH doors.

The door organizers do require some holes to be located, drilled, and de-burred to install them.    We’ll send the requisite rivets, washers, a hole locator tool, and screws as detailed in the instructions.   Installers will need a #11 drill bit, drill, level, and other tools (see the installation instructions for the details)

What other items do we offer (for Stack-On cabinets)?
Barrel Spacers/Rests
Scope Standoffs
Pistol Holders
Pmag (AR15) Holders

RT Hand Deep door tray above., shows about 8 3/4inch between U shaped stiffener tack welded to back of the door face and U shaped hinge stiffener


Door swing diagram

​​The door swing diagram may help understand what door to shop for.   ​What is not obvious to persons unfamiliar with door nomenclature, is that the door on the right side of a person standing in front of the cabinet is the Left Handed (LH) door.




You can read more about this in the Badger’s Den:  Click here to read the article I wrote about these!

To make a purchase,  add the item you desire to your cart: click in the drop down menus, set the quantity, then click add to your cart.  Keep adding until you have everything you need and then check out.  We generally print these in grey, but we rarely provide and item or two in black.   I bet your stuff won’t know the difference.

​It will take at least a business day per item to print it.   We’ll ship your entire order when it is complete.

Please remember: the Deep door trays should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.   They project into the gun storage area, and also items in them tend to tip over   The standard trays work well.  The magazines you see in the picture all stand up fine in standard trays with no additional help, but do tip in deep door trays.

Standard door trays work better in most every situation (Right hand trays are mirror images of left hand trays)
The standard Door Tray’s storage area is 30mm across (that’s about 1 3/16 inches), but the Deep Door tray’s is 40mm across (just over  1 9/16″).   At first I thought I’d put the deep trays everywhere.  Turns out not to be that smart of an idea:  trouble with the deep trays is that they project farther into the cabinet and can engage more guns inside.   Also tall items that aren’t as wide as the tray (like magazines) can tip in the deep tray.   Because they don’t engage the vertical wall (and none of my mags were wide enough).   Not sure, but maybe a Barrett 50 Cal mag would be a good fit for a deep tray?    For me that the deep tray works well for my larger suppressors: like D cell sized.    But its not good for anything else.     The lesson learned is: to use standard trays for nearly everything and just the deep trays for very wide items that won’t fit the standard tray.
We do sell rail guards to hold items up that may want to tip, but its best to avoid them… the G3/CETME mags below (and every other magazine, enbloc clip, etc fit perfect in our standard door tray, but would tip in a deep tray unless it had a rail guard). ​
Deep Tray in LH door with standard CETME/G3 Mags… they need a rail guard in a deep tray. It would have been better to put a standard tray here for these magazines.
The Pmags must be placed bottom up, but can face either direction.  Be sure to plan for them to project into the gun cabinet about 2.5 inches.    You must plan around this, and understand that you will interfere with the storage area abutting the door.   I like to put mine just below the height of the interior shelf so that the mags clear the shelf (allowing door to close) and hang down and into the empty area above between long guns’ for-ends.
STACK-ON gun cabinet door mounted PMAG holders above and below: Pmags must be placed bottom up, but can be faced in or out . STACK-ON door mounted shown above. Pmags must be placed bottom up, but can be faced in or out . STACK-ON door mounted shown above and below.


Mags must be placed bottom up, but can face either direction. Be sure to plan for the to project into the gun cabinet.

We print in PETG (strong and food safe plastic… water bottles are made out of PET… PETG is PET that is modified to work in a 3D printer).  PETG can take ‘dash board of car sort of heat’, but won’t take ‘hot barrel’ or ‘hot suppressor’ sort of heat without deforming or melting.

​PLEASE REMEMBER:  It will take at least one business day per item to print.   We’ll ship your entire order when it is complete.  These normally come in grey, but may be made in another color.   I’d bet your stuff won’t mind what color they are.   If you have to have grey, please tell us in the note to seller portion of your check out.   A hard color request may delay your order by many weeks as we get the color filament you want.   It really just depends what color filament is on the shelf and what our reorder/delivery schedule is like.

​Got a 3D printer and want to make them for your own personal use?  No problem, click here to go to our listing to purchase an EULA.

Additional information

Select Right Hand Item

RH Door Tray, RH AR15 6Pmag holder, RH 12ga Shell Holder, RH Deep Door Tray, RH Rail Guard, RH Deep Rail Guard


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