VersaMax recoil spring


Remington Original Versamax action spring (F401305)


Remington Original VersaMax action spring (F401305)

Remington Original VersaMax action spring (F401305)

If you are having light primer strikes, its always best to clean everything and inspect the parts.  That would include the action spring (Typically this is omitted from service/cleaning by most as it isn’t mentioned in the owner’s manual).   Remember to use appropriate gun oils/high quality lubes that do not gel when cold (for hunting guns).  Competition guns sometimes can get away with thicker lubes if they won’t be fired in cold conditions.

​Most often just installing our “Remelli kit” and cleaning the action spring fixes light strikes, if it doesn’t or you just want to be overly thorough, replacing the action spring is the 3rd item to check off (after replacing the cam pin {#1} and the hammer/spring/plunger {#2}).   We offer Remington original action springs (F401305).

We cannot replace the action spring for you.  Use the owner’s manual’s procedures to unload, make safe, remove the barrel, bolt assembly, and trigger assembly, then remove the butt-pad,  then remove the buttstock with a 3/16 hex drive in order to access the recoil spring tube.   The recoil spring & plunger are retained in the tube by a 19MM (3/4″) retaining nut.  Be careful! The 19mm nut is under spring tension!  Remove clean, and replace as desired.

To Fix light strikes on your Remington VersaMax there are 3 steps to follow:

First is to unload, make safe, and follow the owners manual to disassemble and inspect the bolt carrier for burs in the cam slot, wear and deformation of the Cam pin.  Remove burs, and replace the cam pin if deformed

(The rest of the process is not in the manual):
2nd, remove the hammer plunger and spring from the trigger pack,  inspect and clean.   The best option here is to remove any burs found in step 1, then replace the Cam Pin, Hammer Plunger & Spring, and Hammer with authentic Benelli parts (we call it a “Remelli” Parts Kit).
3rd, at least clean and lube the recoil spring and plunger, or better yet, just replace the recoil spring with the one listed here.
Changing to Benelli parts in the bolt and trigger pack make sense, but changing the recoil spring to anything but a OEM Remington can cause other issues.   Hence this listing for a replacement original Remington recoil  spring.

To remove the action spring, remove the buttstock to expose the action tube, then remove the 19mm retainer on the end of the action spring tube
To remove the action spring:
1:  unload, make safe and disassemble the shot gun per the owners manual.
2: Be sure to remove the bolt carrier from the action of the recoil spring will be under extra tension.
3: Remove the butt pad by removing the two Philips head screws holding it to the butt stock.
4: Remove the 3/16 hex drive cap screw, to expose the action tube, be sure to catch the stock shim that is trapped between the receiver and the butt stock
5: Remove the 19mm retainer on the end of the action spring tube
Clean, lube and install in reverse order

Remington VersaMax Shotguns (note while the “Sportsmen” version doesn’t have the grey/black rubber inlays, mechanically these guns are all the same).

Versa Max worn out action spring against new spring

More details about why these parts are needed and why swapping in some Benelli parts is OK

The Remington VersaMax is at it’s heart, a USA made clone of the Benelli M4, with a wing-shooting stock, an improved gas system, and other changes.   Some (but not all) of the VersaMax’s parts are interchangeable with multiple Benelli parts.   Unfortunately some of the key Remington original parts don’t seem to last and can cause malfunctions.   Typically the first sort of malfunction to pop-up is a Failure to Fire (light primer strikes).

The Benelli parts we sell are direct, higher quality replacements for the 4 pieces that (individually or together) fail first to cause light primer strikes (aka Failure to Fire) in the VersaMax.  Whether a VersaMax has all 4 parts bad at the moment or not, it is recommended to upgrade all 4 to Benelli parts to ensure reliability  (ie if you think your hammer is ok, just replace it now, before it isn’t and costs you).  You can try just replacing these 4 before moving on to the action spring, or replacing the action spring as well.   Its up to you.


​I’ve personally seen two VersaMax’s with light primer strikes at the same time on the same waterfowl hunt, because they had bad hammers, springs, plungers, and cam pins.   Both guns had over 500 shells through them… one was close to 1500 shells, the other about half that.  The “Remelli Kit” plus a good cleaning of the action spring, plunger, and tube was the fix.

Remember a little light grease (when its hot out) or a lot of high quality oil (for hunting situations) is required on the cam pin to prevent galling & deformation (even on the higher quality Benelli pin we sell here).   And on top of cleaning and lubing the trigger pack, you should remove, clean, and lightly lube the action spring very often to prevent it from gumming up in the cold.

Feel free to read more about this here on our blog:  Versa-Max light primer strikes and the fix


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